
Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Individual Risk Assessment

Featured Article

Confocal Microscopy of Stellate Stromal Deposits in Two Cornea Grafts Treated with Moxifloxacin and Prednisolone Acetate

Medical Standards

EBAA Medical Standards


“Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History”: The Advancement of Women in Ophthalmology

Research / Proceedings

The Why and How of Cornea Donor Screening: A Review

Corneal Transplant, Not All the Rules Prevent Blindness

Organ and Tissue Donation: A Review of Google Trends

Individual Risk Assessment


Providing the safest, high-quality allografts for transplantation is the goal of all tissue providers. However, as medical advancements in communicable disease control or elimination provide viral load reduction and disease cure, is donor screening and deferment appropriate to these advancements? Now is a time for allograft providers, regulators, and standard setting organizations to reexamine the donor deferral criteria.

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