Recommended Practices for Cleaning and Sterilizing intraocular Surgical Instruments
From the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery and the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurse. Printed in theĀ Journal of Refractive Surgery.
International On-line Course in Tissue Banking, Cell Therapy and Regenerative Medicine
From the Donation and Transplantation Institute.
WHO Guiding Principles on Human Cell, Tissue, and Organ Transplantation
From the World Health Organization.
First Global Consultation on Regulatory Requirements for Human Cells and Tissues for Transplantation
From the World Health Organization.
From the World Health Organization
From the World Health Organization.
From the World Health Organization.
For Authors
How to Write a Scientific Article for a Medical Journal
From the Indian Journal of Anaesthesia
How to Write an Evidence-Based Clinical Review Article
From American Family Physician
Reasons Reviewers Reject and Accept Manuscripts: The Strengths and Weaknesses in Medical Education Reports
From Academic Medicine
From SPARC, Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition
From the International Journal of Eye Banking
American Medical Writers Association
Resource to find a medical writer
From the University of Evansville, a summary of American Medical Association referencing guidelines
Medical Dictionaries, Drugs and Medical Searches
From mediLexicon, a search engine for medical, pharmaceutical, and healthcare professionals
International Committee of Medical Editors
Covers manuscript preparation, ethical considerations, publishing, and editorial issues
The NIST Guide For the Use of International System of Units
From the National Institute of Standards and Technology, an agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce
Purdue Owl (Online Writing Lab)
From Purdue University, general writing and grammar tips
From, free online translator for words or phrases fewer than 300 characters
Manuscript Development Services
BioScience Writers Scientific Editing and Proofreading
Elsevier Language Editing Services
Enago (Specializes in papers written by ESL authors from Japan, China, Taiwan, and Korea)
Oxford Journals Language Services
For Reviewers
How I Review an Original Scientific Article
From the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
A Systematic Guide to Reviewing a Manuscript
From the Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
How to Submit a Review
From the International Journal of Eye Banking