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Manuscript Submission

Manuscripts must be original contributions and not previously published, with one exception: We will consider a manuscript if the abstract only has been published in the proceedings of a conference and/or as a poster presentation at a conference.

The manuscript cannot be under consideration by any other publisher. It must be written in English. If you need assistance with translation, please consult a manuscript preparation service.

Please read and review the instructions carefully.
Articles not submitted in accordance with our policies must be immediately rejected. Refer to the Submission Checklist.

One author should be designated as the corresponding author.
That individual will handle all interactions with the journal editors throughout the submission, review, and publication process. Each submission should be established in the name of the corresponding author. Under no circumstances should more than one author submit the same paper. To expedite submission handling, we need your help in keeping records simple and consistent.

Code of Conduct

Plagiarism/Falsification of Data
All manuscripts must represent the original work of the authors as required in the authors disclosure statements on submission; any use of another’s ideas, words, processes or intellectual property must be disclosed and attributed. Similarly, all data cited in a manuscript must accurately represent actual study results. Any submissions which are found to be plagiarized or to contain falsified data will be rejected; additionally, the authors may be banned from future submissions and their institutions may be notified.

Please send questions or report submission problems to the Journal Manager at

Submissions and Reviewers: Submissions are subject to peer review by individuals with no conflict of interest or financial consideration for the subject or data of the submission. Reviewers must not use information gained from the review to further their own works or publications. Final determination for publication resides with the editor and or consultation with the editorial board. Submission selection is based on relevance to eye banking and corneal practice, originality, quality and clarity of presentation.

Revisions and Corrections: Revisions, corrections, and withdrawals may be submitted, if necessary, to the editor for submission changes before or after publication as the author may find required for accuracy.

Letters to the Editor: Letters to the editor concerning published articles may or may not be published. Letters to the editor not related to publications will be reviewed for level of contribution to current topics, balance of discussion, and clarity. In all areas questions and concerns should be sent to the Journal in order for transparency and highest ethical standards to be observed.

Please see the Manuscript Preparation guidelines for details on formatting, file management, style policies, and related requirements.

Manuscript Preparation

Document format:

  • Submit manuscripts in English.
  • Format text to 8½ x 11-inch (or similar-sized ISO standard) paper with at least a 1-inch (approximately 2.5 cm) margin on all sides.
  • Do not justify the right margin. Double space all text. Use the Times New Roman font, point size 12.
  • Files must be saved as Microsoft Word; please submit only files with .doc extensions.
  • When you use italics, change the font accordingly.
  • Do not underline except when using URL addresses for a website.

Title page: 

Please remove any identifiers such as names, institutions or email addresses.


Following subject heading guidelines set by the U.S. National Library of Medicine (, please supply 3 to 6 keywords in alphabetical order under which you believe the article should be indexed.



  • Adhere to word limits as described in the Section Policies.
  • Number text pages consecutively beginning with the first page of text.
  • If you are submitting a research paper, organize the manuscript into the traditional format: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Literature Cited.
  • If you are submitting another type of article, please organize the material with subheads denoting thematic sections of the article.


For proper style of scientific and medical terms, consult the American Medical Association Manual of Style (ed. 10), Dorland’s Medical Dictionary (ed. 31), and Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (ed. 11). Listed below are a few key tips:

  • On first use of an abbreviation, spell out the full term for which it stands and place the abbreviation immediately afterward in parentheses.
  • Use the metric system to express units of measure and degrees Celsius to express temperatures. Use SI units rather than conventional units.
  • Refer to drugs and therapeutic agents by generic or chemical names. Use code numbers only when a generic name is not yet available.
  • If you refer to trade names, capitalize them and place them within parentheses after the appropriate generic names.
  • When mentioning the manufacturer of drugs, supplies, or equipment, give the manufacturer’s name and location (city and state within the United States or city and country outside the United States).
  • If you are proposing an off-label use of a drug within the United States, please clearly label it as such in your article. Some drugs discussed for specific indications may not be approved for labeling and advertising for those indications by the US Food and Drug Administration.
  • Report visual acuity using the same nomenclature that was used in the study, provided the data was recorded in the Snellen (using either meters or feet), decimal fraction, or logMAR systems.
  • The same visual acuity nomenclature should be presented throughout the manuscript. Since reporting of visual acuity has not yet been standardized, Snellen equivalent in feet should be noted in parentheses next to each visual acuity that is not in the Snellen format.
  • Authors must ensure statistical expertise for a study that has statistical content.
  • Identify statistical methods whenever they are used, and specify models such as analysis of variance, covariance, and multiple regressions.
  • Whenever possible, it is better to use an actual P value (for example, P = .028) rather than an inequality (P < .01).
  • Use summary statistics, such as mean and standard error, as well as confidence limits, when presenting the conclusions of a study.
  • Numeric equivalents should precede all percentages, as in the following examples: “Of 100 patients, 25 (25%) presented with keratoconus” or “10 (20%) of 50 patients underwent penetrating keratoplasty.”


Authors are responsible for the accuracy of their references. Format references according to the American Medical Association Manual of Style (ed. 10.). Listed below are a few key tips:

  • Cite the references in text in the order of appearance.
  • Cite unpublished data, such as papers submitted but not yet accepted for publication or personal communications, in parentheses in the text.
  • Name only the first three authors and then use “et al.”
  • Refer to the List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus for abbreviations of journal names.
  • Keep printed copies of references that apear only on the Internet. If the URL changes or disappears, readers may ask for an original copy.

Graphical material

Preparation of scientific images must preserve the integrity of the image data. Digital adjustments of brightness, contrast, or color applied uniformly to an entire image are acceptable if they do not misrepresent, obscure, or omit specific elements in the original figure. Cropping must not selectively eliminate visual information.

  • Cite figures, tables, diagrams, photographs, and other graphical elements consecutively in the text and number them in the order in which they are presented.
  • Submit each as a separate file.
  • Do NOT embed illustrative material within the body of the text.
  • Submit a legend for each numbered graphic after the references.
  • Make legends brief and self-explanatory, and supplement, rather than repeat, the section in the text to which they refer.
  • Save digital art such as radiographs and CT scans as either a tiff or jpg file with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Scan printed art to similar specifications.
  • Ensure that line art has a resolution of at least 1200 dpi. 
  • Include scale markers in electron micrographs and note the type of stain.
  • Convert color to RGB.

Video or Podcast

Please contact the Journal Manager prior to submitting your manuscript to review file formats and size constraints.

Manuscript Acceptance

The Editor-in-Chief accepts the manuscript with the understanding that the authors cooperate in a timely manner with the production process, including any response to future correspondence from the editors or journal readers.

Each corresponding author is expected to read all pages carefully and answer all queries posed by the reviewer or editor within two weeks of receipt. It is that author’s responsibility to ensure that there are no errors in the proofs. Changes that have been made to conform to journal style will stand if they do not alter the authors’ meaning. Only the most critical changes for content accuracy will be made. Changes that are stylistic or are a reworking of previously accepted material will be disallowed.

A layout artist will produce page proofs. The corresponding author will receive a set of final page proofs to proofread. Turnaround time is ideally one week after receipt. Any egregious errors will be corrected before the manuscript is published. Note: This is not the time to be making any substantive changes in the article; it should be nearly ready for publication with only minor tweaking, if any.

Embargo Policy: 

The content of accepted articles cannot appear in print, on radio or television, or in any electronic form (including blogs and discussion groups) prior to publication on the journal’s website, nor can it be released to the scientific or lay media prior to publication. Even if your abstract has appeared previously at a scientific meeting, it is prudent practice to not provide presentation materials, slides, or additional information to members of the print or electronic media prior to the article’s publication within the peer-reviewed literature, whether the journal’s or elsewhere.

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