
Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Letter from the Editor

Featured Article

Increasing the Storage Time from Pre-Cutting of Donors to the Date of Transplantation Does Not Affect Dislocation Rates, Graft Failure Rates, or Endothelial Cell Loss

Original Research

Light-Blocking Infiltrates in Donor Corneas Preserved in Optisol: Infection or Inflammation?

Practice-Related Material

Risk of Transmission of Infection to Host from Septicaemic Donor Corneas


Transitioning to ISBT128 – The Experience of The Eye-Bank for Sight Restoration

Transitioning to ISBT128 – The Experience of The Eye-Bank for Sight Restoration


Patricia Dahl


ISBT128, documentation, labeling


ISBT 128 is the global standard for the terminology, identification, labeling, and information transfer of medical products of human origin across international borders and disparate healthcare systems. In 2014, the Eye Bank Association of America revised its Medical Standards to require its members to implement ISBT 128 labeling in a three phase process. The Eye-Bank for Sight Restoration chose to integrate ISBT 128 with its database as a means to establish an in-house tissue tracking system, in addition to meeting compliance with EBAA Medical Standards. As a result, ISBT 128 has helped provide a computerized history, including dates, times, and technician identification involved in the processes that occur once tissue is received in the ocular laboratory.  Use of ISBT 128 labels and readable scanners provides more accurate data and eliminates illegibility in documentation, and is a key step towards achieving complete electronic laboratory records.

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